
Rabu, 04 Juli 2012

Attitude of the Students toward Aesthetic Criteria

       I.         JOURNAL REVIEW
   Background Theory and Goals of Research
This journal present about the attitude of the students toward aesthetic criteria. One area of ​​sociological interest to researchers is related to the body. The body is one of the issues raised in the history of human thought. In most societies, women are more attentive to the beauty and appearance, and show more sensitivity and attention to his body. This concern with them to adopt some of the excessive behavior to match their physical properties. Through the mass media available today, women often make changes in their body, wearing excessive makeup. Actually what is in their minds about themselves is very influential on their physical and mental health.
In this study, researchers intend to answer this question what beauty means that according to women's bodies, what they are and what dimensions of social and mental effects it has, how we can achieve beauty. This study is a research field that aims to achieve an aesthetic criteria. In fact, in this study, researchers wanted to find insights into society and analyze them after identifying their criteria.
The importance of this study is that researchers can present a strategy to change the culture of beauty by identifying and collecting aesthetic criteria. Foreign culture can have a big effect for society today. The researchers hope to prevent the abuse of social and methods that are advertised by capitalism and the media that causes many people to experience financial losses in his life.
    II.            Methodology
The reseachers use of quanlitative method. And the data of this research has been gathered on the basis of deep interviews with 30 female students of faculty of social sciences in University of Shiraz who have been randomly selected in different academic years and among different fields of. The interviewed girls are in age groups of 18-26 years. Each interview has lasted for 45 to 60 minutes.

 III.            Results and Discussion
The results of the analysis show that some factors such as religious beliefs and education are very effective on attitude of the girls toward beauty so that it helps the girls understand the position. This research shows that as environment has effect on attitude of the girls toward beauty. We have tried to present classified finding of this research.
1.      Definition of beauty
Most girls believe that beauty has been made of two apparent and intrinsic dimensions which should not be ignored for definition.
2.      Aesthetic criteria and reasons for selection
Having fit body is an aesthetic criterion of a person in the girls’ view. They regard the reason for selection of criterion is the effect which this criterion has on attraction and social acceptance and only few regard this criterion reason as health reason.
3.      Reason for attention to beauty
Most of the girls were asked why they pay attention to beauty and where they acquired such insight and they answered that beauty increases self confidence and social acceptance and internal satisfaction and 60% of the girls acquired this insight from social environment which includes society and family in which they live.
4.      Effect of clothes on beauty of the person and criterion for its selection
86.67% of the girls believe that cloth is very important so that it can indicate personality of the person. One of their most important criteria for selecting cloth is having fit body and the next criteria are being orderly and tidy and having suitable color and material. Few girls regard criterion for selecting cloth as veil and its suitability with the related environment.
5.      Effect of environment and fashion on beauty
86.6% of the interviewees believe that environment has considerable effect on beauty because human being can be affected as he can affect many cases. Extent of this effect is based on personalities of the persons and different environments. According to the interviewees, fashion can have effect or not because most of them believe that it is relative and should be measured on the basis of factors such as makeup and veil and taste of the person.
6.      Effect of religious beliefs and education on attitude of the persons to beauty
More than half of the respondents (56.67) believe that religious beliefs have considerable effect on attitude of the persons toward beauty and 13.33% believe that it is relative and depends on personalities.
7.      Consequences of lack of beauty, ways of access to beauty
With regard to personal factors, lack of beauty can have different effects and decrease and loss of self confidence are the most important consequence according to girls and few of them can cause loss of marital and job opportunities and inattention of other persons. In response to the second question , 53.33% of the persons regard use of cosmetics and makeup as the most important ways of achieving beauty while 36.67% regarded physical exercise and 26.67 regarded surgery as the most important factors and only few of them believed that there was no way for being beautiful.

 IV.            Conclusion
The present study studied attitude of the students studying in University of Shiraz, Faculty of Social Sciences toward beauty. Methodology of the research was qualitative and information gathering tool was deep interview. In fact, many of them believe that intrinsic beauty complements apparent beauty. Having fit body attracts attention and social acceptance. Having beauty causes self confidence for the person and the person achieves intrinsic satisfaction and social acceptance.
As result, the best way of access to beauty is use of cosmetics and makeup in order to prevent these problems and use of other ways such as physical exercise or surgery as the next stage. Besides these cases, the interviewees considered effect of cloth on beauty of the person and believe that not only it doubles beauty, but also it indicates personality and the best cloth is the one which is suitable for the body, tidy and orderly.

    V.            Critical Review
In my opinion the whole of this journal is good, I do agree that religious beliefs and education have a big impact on a person's beauty but religious beliefs have a greater effect of education they have. In this journal, some of the respondents emphasized the effect of mode of existing in the neighborhood.
Fashion is also very influential on a person's beauty. Beauty is also related to fashion or fashion that they wear, their attitude toward fashion themselves and their beliefs about the culture of fashion that they wear. Beauty can’t be defined because it is easy to understand but difficult to define.
From this journal, beauty can be classified as three kinds such as : Tangible beauty, Intangible beauty, and Reasonable beauty. I would rather choose the reasonable beauty because this beauty is perceived with reasoning power of the person. We can show the beauty as the good acts and many people regard that the reasonable beauty is the important and real beauty.
Many women especially young women always pay attention to their body by using make up and cosmetics. makeup is related to dynamicity of character. In this sense, in addition that it is an important means of hiding or manifesting different life aspects, it is regarded as pretention means because it links common traditions and principles to personal identity.
Long ago, cosmetics were almost completely natural. Although there may be no supporting evidence to prove that there were any synthetic cosmetics some may argue so. 
Most cosmetics today are synthetic and can cause lots of damage to our body. This is why many people prefer natural cosmetics, which is the trend today.
So there are two ways to view the benefits and disadvantages of make-up. One being that if you are using make-up and its natural its good for you and if you are using synthetic make-up, its possible in the near future you will severly damage your body.
The other view is the pyschological factor. Make-up can help boost their confidence. It only becomes a problem when someone must rely on make-up to believe their appearance is beautiful. This can be even more aggrivated when certain cosmetics begin to destroy your skin.
The important thing is you have to choose the natural cosmetics or I suggest to do not use cosmetics if you want to be a beautyful woman.
Beautiful in my view is how we can cover our hearts to keep it beautiful in the eyes of all people, especially men. we do not need to use excessive make-up because of the beauty will shine by itself.

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