
Jumat, 18 Mei 2012


  • Definition of Language and Function of Language
Language is a tool to express something towards our audience, that is why we can say that language is a medium of communication.Language can be a “ bridge “ to the communication between dissimilar cultures. It is used for communication within a complex social and cultural system.
Language user are every human in the world, no matter what they are, where they are and how they live. It is very essence of what makes human whereever you go, whoever you met, whenever you want to share your ideas, whatever you want to do, however you act, you will need a communication tool and language is the answer.
As a tool of communication, language has the following functions:
  • Emotive speech
It functions to express feeling, perception, and emotion of the speaker.
  • Phatic speech
It functions to take care of social relationship on certain situation or condition.
  •  Cognitive speech
It functions to express everything is surroundings (informative).
  •  Rhetorical speech
It functions to influence the thought or perception of the audiences.
  •   Metalingual speech
It function to describe language it self.
  •   Poetic speech
It has esthetical functios
  • Definition of Thought
Thought is a mental process which allows someone to make a conscious decision, to imagine and generally operate on a rational symbol .There are ideas in the mind. These ideas that make a person easy to think, it’s easy to determine something. 
According to Schlenker, The human mind is determined by a system of classification of certain language used by humans. According to this hypothesis the mental world of Indonesian people are different from the mental world of English people because they use different language.
  • Definition of Utterance
Utterance is a complete unit of speech (what one speaker say). In another word, utterance is the act of expressing word (something that you say). We use term utterance to refers to complete communicative units, which may consist of single words, phrases, clauses or clauses combination spoken in context, in contrast to the term sentence which we reserve for unit consisting of at least one.
Intrinsically in activity communicates happened process to produce and comprehends utterance. In other word, in linguistic usage happened process to change mind to become code and changes code to become mind. Utterance is synthesis from distorting process of concept becomes code, while understanding is ordering the result of code analysis.
In comprehending an utterance, there are at least three factors which assist we. The first is factors to relate to knowledge of the world. As member of society, we has coexisted with our environment. Nature around this gives to us knowledges about world life. Some of this knowledge haves the character of universal while some other is special about public where us live. Understanding to an utterance can desist, so after utterance was understood or is continued with an action. If we to hear utterance or to read a discourse which its contents is issued, so in generally we only comprehend just of what said or written in the discourse.

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